Your Roots Can Show

Your Roots Can Show

Overtime, inevitably, roots will show. Life if formed from and based on roots. Allow them to be there. Let them show. Let them comfortably confirm the origin of your wisdom, beauty, and change. And then feel free to cover them up again for another future unveiling.   Interested in reading my more of my thoughts…

The Start of the 100 Day Project 2021/100 Days of Shalagh : Days 1 through 20

The Start of the 100 Day Project 2021/100 Days of Shalagh : Days 1 through 20

(Scroll down to the bottom to see the links to see the rest of the posts for this project) I started 2021’s 100 Day Project on January 31st. I assume they moved it up from its usual April starting date because, well, there’s nothing better to do this second year of pandemic plague lockdown. And…

Regular Creativity Can Bring You the Joy Akin to Christmas
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Regular Creativity Can Bring You the Joy Akin to Christmas

My daughter Fiona is about to turn 8 years-old. She has already written and posted a birthday wish list on the refrigerator. It includes items like a trampoline, a banana seat and basket for her bicycle, and a goldfish. Her birthday isn’t even 3 moths after Christmas so I’m thinking how do we so easily…

Evolution Revolution : Using Our Brains Differently

Evolution Revolution : Using Our Brains Differently

Whether you know it or not, there’s an evolution revolution currently occurring. We are being asked to raise our consciousnesses and consider how we treat ourselves. We can move from reactive living to proactive living if we use our brains differently. All the buzz about mindfulness isn’t bunk and here’s why. We have two different…

Reserve the Right to Make a Bad Decision
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Reserve the Right to Make a Bad Decision

This morning, I was considering how hard it is sometimes to make a decision. Especially with our epidemic perfectionism, we are often paralyzed by the idea of making a “wrong” decision. But truly, the hardest part about making the decision is making the decision. The carrying out of the decision and the consequences are a…