My daughter Fiona is about to turn 8 years-old. She has already written and posted a birthday wish list on the refrigerator. It includes items like a trampoline, a banana seat and basket for her bicycle, and a goldfish. Her birthday isn’t even 3 moths after Christmas so I’m thinking how do we so easily forget what we have and want more so quickly?

But the bigger question I realized is how do we keep the creative and abundant spirit of Christmas going throughout the year? Perpetual Creative practice. When I make something, I am gifting a part of me to myself, my family perhaps, and to the world if I choose to share it. There is such a wonderful feeling the magic of which is akin to Christmas.Regular Creativity Can Bring You the Joy Akin to Christmas on

I’d add that gratitude is the other practice that give you grace and feeling like what you have is almost enough. Although gratitude won’t get you more gas in your gas tank, it might get you a job from someone you took the time to thank. The little things we do add up to a lot more than we can ever know.

I have embarked on my fourth 100 Day Project journey this week. A non-negotiable daily promise to show up and make small art. The result is many fold. I become better at using the medium I have chosen which this year is watercolor pencils. I reestablish or create self-trust when I show up for myself. And I get to share my art with an enthusiastic community which furthers my Christmas-like high.

There is nothing here not to like.

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