There’s No Place Like Home After Vacation
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There’s No Place Like Home After Vacation

I have a love/hate relationship with vacations. While my husband has fabulous memories of singing Kumbaya around beach campfires with numerous cousins, I have one memory of my family camping and there was yelling involved. My childhood vacations meant sleeping on uncomfortable beds at relative’s houses so the parents could get a break from parenting….

The Laser Sun, the Library, and Some Time Off

The Laser Sun, the Library, and Some Time Off

I received the long-awaited email from the library. My book has come in. The second of a series of YA fantasy adventure/romance books that seem very similar to ones I read last summer, specifically For the Wolf and For the Crown by Hannah Whitten. But also, like T. Kingfisher aka Ursula Vernon’s The Saint of…

Resolutions, Revelations, Devotions, and Discoveries in the New Year
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Resolutions, Revelations, Devotions, and Discoveries in the New Year

Moving into the month of February, I want to touch base with myself and my readership and describe where I am and where I am hopefully headed. Self-care has been a focus for me of recent because so much of the holidays feels like it’s not about me but about us as a family and…