(Scroll down to the bottom to see the links to see the rest of the posts for this project)
I started 2021’s 100 Day Project on January 31st. I assume they moved it up from its usual April starting date because, well, there’s nothing better to do this second year of pandemic plague lockdown. And most of us truly need to have a reason to create every day to offer us some relief from our anxieties.
This is my 4th 100 Day Project. Two years ago, I found the magic of this challenge when I recreated objects in my house using pencil and pastels. This year I am recreating views from with my house using watercolor pencils. I found my rhythm and talent then and I’m searching for it currently in this different medium. And what I also gained from this perpetual daily project was a self-trust and meditative practice that brought joy to my heart.
I believe this project is a way for the world to share in the joy of the art the inherent self-discovery within the process. My hope is for people to be encouraged to open their own hearts to an understanding and devotion of their own creativity that goes further than just showing up whenever the mood strikes.
Meanwhile, here are the first 20 pieces I’ve created thus far for #100daysofShalagh and #the100dayproject2021.
See Days 21 – 40 for #the100dayproject2021 Here.
See Days 41 – 60 for #the100dayproject2021 Here.
See Days 61 – 80 for #the100dayproject2021 Here.
See Days 81 – 100 for #the100dayproject2021 Here.
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