There’s No Place Like Home After Vacation
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There’s No Place Like Home After Vacation

I have a love/hate relationship with vacations. While my husband has fabulous memories of singing Kumbaya around beach campfires with numerous cousins, I have one memory of my family camping and there was yelling involved. My childhood vacations meant sleeping on uncomfortable beds at relative’s houses so the parents could get a break from parenting….

My Quiet Revolution of Care: Reshaping Humanity from My Home
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My Quiet Revolution of Care: Reshaping Humanity from My Home

As a woman, there are many unspoken jobs that I perform. I manage our family life’s seasonal rhythms and set the stage, tone, and table for celebrations and vacations. I am the listener, teacher, and translator as each family member needs a differential learning approach. I need to understand how to communicate with each in…

Bald Spots Where Decisions Should Be
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Holding Space for My Future Decisions in My Busy Now

There are numerous happenings occurring in my world now. My 5th grader is finishing up public “grade school” and will be attending a new private school next year. We are doing all the year ending ceremonies plus there are many Mommy to-dos with this academic move. We need new school costumes, a new computer, and…

I’m a Grilled Cheese Coach and a Re-potter of Plants
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I’m a Grilled Cheese Coach and a Re-potter of Plants

I embody many me’s on any given day. The person I chose to act on behalf of yesterday isn’t all the same as the one I will be working for today. Yesterday I was the grilled cheese coach and photographer for preteen girls who swear they don’t want to be teens. I was the re-potter…