Your Happiness is Yours to Make, Theirs is Theirs
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Your Happiness is Yours to Make, Theirs is Theirs

Going into the holiday season, I am acutely aware of what I ask myself to rise to. I host the Christmas festivities every year and there’s much to do in preparation. There are the decorations which are truly first and foremost for me. Every year, I battle myself for Christmas tree perfection. I created a…

Participated in the One Day Hour by Hour Challenge on Instagram
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Participated in the One Day Hour by Hour Challenge on Instagram

Yesterday, I joined a once-a-year challenge on Instagram called the One Day Hour by Hour challenge. You can see it here on my Instagram account.  Hosted by Laura Tremaine, the challenge asks you to chronicle your day hour by hour and post some pictures on social media while you do it. I thought, what the heck,…

Letting go of past trauma… Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite
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Letting go of past trauma… Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite

Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite , my 2023 100 Day Project. Sometimes the letting go is more than physical. Sometimes it has to do with the story we’re telling ourselves. In this case, it had to do with letting go of a memory that could hold me hostage. This was about me letting go of past…

Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
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Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Let It Be Easy (Peasy Lemon Squeezy} A Prayer to the Universe Longing to fill this glowing space back in. With my life, my creative breath Beauty of Me-ness Bee-ness For me to share the sights I seek to see And To Be Seen As Me, the One I Know I Am To Be And…

I’m a Grilled Cheese Coach and a Re-potter of Plants
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I’m a Grilled Cheese Coach and a Re-potter of Plants

I embody many me’s on any given day. The person I chose to act on behalf of yesterday isn’t all the same as the one I will be working for today. Yesterday I was the grilled cheese coach and photographer for preteen girls who swear they don’t want to be teens. I was the re-potter…

The Empty Box Method for Releasing Unwanted Stuff
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The Empty Box Method for Releasing Unwanted Stuff

If you’ve been following along, I have committed to 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite, the 6th 100 day project I’ve done. I’m currently around day 30 (this year allowing the project to stop and start as necessary). And it occurred to me to share a tactic I developed a long time ago…

Finding Out Who I am with the Help of Who I Was
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Finding Out Who I am with the Help of Who I Was

Inspiration hit me this week when I put myself to a task I feel is always over my head, held there by me. But it’s also literally above my head in my third-floor attic, the chaos of all chaoses. As I started to move about and clear the pathways from my life’s stranded moments, I…