Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite , my 2023 100 Day Project. Sometimes the letting go is more than physical. Sometimes it has to do with the story we’re telling ourselves. In this case, it had to do with letting go of a memory that could hold me hostage.

This was about me letting go of past trauma….

Here came October, l was suddenly tensing up against the memory ghost of what happened last year at this time when my anxiety was “off to the races” with the move of my mother. No Bueno is 4 months straight of mayhem and misbehavior with her. I got pretty sick too and still had to keep going.

Letting go of past trauma... Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite on Shalavee.comLast fall, all I had wanted for myself was to spend time outside working on my long-planned garden overhaul. The weather this time of year makes gardening fun.

And I watched the time and season slip away as I worked tirelessly to get my mother situated.

They say, ‘Every Day is a Good Day to Start Over’. And every season can be rewritten too. Fresh starts and new traditions are but a decision away. I adore this time of the year and I didn’t want the past to keep me from enjoying the present and upcoming holidays to enjoy my kids and be thankful.

So yesterday l chose hope and composted the trauma associated with the garden.

I removed a passel of grasses that, while pretty, grow and reseed at such a tremendous speed as to be slightly naughty.

Now l can replant this patch with whatever l want to and watch it come up next Spring! And I’m paying someone to do all the unfun garden work. Ha!

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