There’s not a lot of room for me right now with Mom’s temporary stay. I have accepted that.
I am the caretaker. This is my current job.
I remember this lack of me time from when the children were babies. But I knew I would eventually put them to bed. That isn’t the case here. She stays up late and wants company.
The only way out is through – Robert Frost
I went and got a pedicure yesterday. I told Miss Emmy all about it. Just blabbed and it felt good to spew. She was incredulous at just the right moments. Tonight, dinner with friends. I’d like to hear about other people’s lives.
To all the women who are out there caretaking either an elder or a child, I have compassion for you today, every day and I hope you have it for yourself. We don’t think of this caretaking as a choice. It is just a duty we perform because we must. Because it’s the right thing to do. And most likely, we are the only ones who can.
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