Participated in the One Day Hour by Hour Challenge on Instagram
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Participated in the One Day Hour by Hour Challenge on Instagram

Yesterday, I joined a once-a-year challenge on Instagram called the One Day Hour by Hour challenge. You can see it here on my Instagram account.  Hosted by Laura Tremaine, the challenge asks you to chronicle your day hour by hour and post some pictures on social media while you do it. I thought, what the heck,…

Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
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Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Let It Be Easy (Peasy Lemon Squeezy} A Prayer to the Universe Longing to fill this glowing space back in. With my life, my creative breath Beauty of Me-ness Bee-ness For me to share the sights I seek to see And To Be Seen As Me, the One I Know I Am To Be And…

Your Inner Creative Child Doesn’t Like Shoulds

Your Inner Creative Child Doesn’t Like Shoulds

Have you become mad at yourself because you can’t keep a regular creative schedule? Judging yourself because you are not committed to your creative life and not producing the way you think you should? This is how you can guarantee your creativity won’t be inspired. When our creativity and productivity become entwined, our inner child…

A Shift from Here But Where is “Here”
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A Shift from Here But Where is “Here”

I started my year with an intention to make a few shifts in my life. Here’s what’s happened in the past month. I’ve changed my mindset about my body, about writing, about Me time, and about productivity. I’m in a different place than I was even a month ago. I now live a slower less…

Finishing Up My 100 Day Project for 2021 : Days 81 through 100
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Finishing Up My 100 Day Project for 2021 : Days 81 through 100

(Links to the first four posts can be found at the bottom) This year, 2021, the 100 Day project started early. Since many of us were still keeping to ourselves due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it was a brilliant strategy to invest time in myself and rebuild some of my self-trust by doing art…

The Start of the 100 Day Project 2021/100 Days of Shalagh : Days 1 through 20

The Start of the 100 Day Project 2021/100 Days of Shalagh : Days 1 through 20

(Scroll down to the bottom to see the links to see the rest of the posts for this project) I started 2021’s 100 Day Project on January 31st. I assume they moved it up from its usual April starting date because, well, there’s nothing better to do this second year of pandemic plague lockdown. And…