Have you become mad at yourself because you can’t keep a regular creative schedule? Judging yourself because you are not committed to your creative life and not producing the way you think you should? This is how you can guarantee your creativity won’t be inspired. When our creativity and productivity become entwined, our inner child gets buried under shoulds. We have forgotten that our inner children are the ones who we create from and need to treat them gently to encourage their participation.

The spontaneity and generosity of children with their creativity is wonderous. Fiona often comes home with art made by her friends just for her. It would never occur to these children that art needs to prolific or profitable. They make it because it’s fun and they discover something about themselves when they make it. A critical parent standing over the child telling them to create and then criticizing what is created is just not that motivational.Your Inner Creative Child Doesn't Like Shoulds on Shalavee.com

I can say that my past 100-day projects have brought me to a place where I can be trusted to be creative when I decide to be and I don’t need to push and mistrust myself to create. And the awareness of how we treat and speak to ourselves is the first step in creating anything better in our lives.

I started this Summer off aiming to create more Joy. Intentionally letting go of constant productivity, I focused instead on creating situations and circumstances where I am required to just Be. Do the stuff that i love to do, Be myself, and share the happy outcome with others. It’s easy to do these things and when i do, good things happen and possibilities for more creativity doesn’t seem a chore but fun. And sharing that feeling with others keeps me happy and inspires them to put their authentic creative selves out there as well.

~~ Kind words are gratefully accepted in the comments below or join me …On Instagram Through pictures and words, I creatively share my real life  with a community of interested ears. I also write Notes to the Wise, a new IG page I made to spark and have  conversations of a soulful sort.

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