I am now well into this year’s 100 Day Project. I chose to take one 3 x 3 mini polaroid per day of scenes within my house and write a caption underneath. Read my further explanation Here about the start of the 100-day project for 2022.
This process has been mostly a technical challenge. Learning new finicky tech requires patience. The camera is a printer. I can send my pictures to it to print out and am not limited to taking pictures just with the camera. Each picture making cartridge makes about a dozen pictures. Unless you ignore the camera when it says it needs to charge. Then it stops printing in the middle of the process, and you have to throw out that whole cartridge.
My process has me using 4 applications before the picture is posted to Instagram, my primary platform/application for posting the project.
I start with my phone camera.
I edit the picture with the camera’s edit options then send it to the polaroid printer to print.
I print it out.
Next, I write something on it. I’ve used song lyrics and funny thoughts, anything that strikes me as the truth I feel at that moment.
I then take another picture of the written-on polaroid on top of my old door table and send it to an application that puts a white frame around it called Square in Pic.
Then I finally post it to Instagram with a description and the project date. I had to even buy special markers to write on the pictures.
Here is a gallery of my pictures from the first 25 days.
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