Resolutions, Revelations, Devotions, and Discoveries in the New Year
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Resolutions, Revelations, Devotions, and Discoveries in the New Year

Moving into the month of February, I want to touch base with myself and my readership and describe where I am and where I am hopefully headed. Self-care has been a focus for me of recent because so much of the holidays feels like it’s not about me but about us as a family and…

Setting the Record Straight About Authenticity
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Setting the Record Straight About Authenticity

Being authentic, honest, or forthright is still considered a crime in our modern society. It’s understood that if you tell the truth about your background, heritage, or state of mind, you are asking for trouble. You could be judged and shunned for these truths. It’s crazy-talk to be outright honest. Many African Americans “passed” as…

Reserve the Right to Make a Bad Decision
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Reserve the Right to Make a Bad Decision

This morning, I was considering how hard it is sometimes to make a decision. Especially with our epidemic perfectionism, we are often paralyzed by the idea of making a “wrong” decision. But truly, the hardest part about making the decision is making the decision. The carrying out of the decision and the consequences are a…

Why I’m OK Teaching a Creativity Workshop
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Why I’m OK Teaching a Creativity Workshop

If I had a dime for every time I heard, “Oh Shalagh you are so creative”, I’d at least have five bucks. This became one of those phrases that made me twitch perhaps because I didn’t think of myself as having any kind of creative superpowers which was obvious to them but not to me,…

Hallway Renovation Update
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Hallway Renovation Update

I notice that sometimes there are items that will sit on my to-do list for an uncomfortably long time, taunting me with their incompletion. The reasons why they are not being accomplished had evaded me. But they linger like a pain deep in my hip saying there’s something worth an x-ray going on in there….