Perhaps guided by some previous words of the year, Release (ease) and Trust, my days have been devoid of push and rush. Thankfully, the anxieties of the past lives have melted into the abyss. A combination of happily being on anti-depressives and a discussion about self-hatred with my therapist which brought me back to the place of self-compassion. Being cruel and judgmental really doesn’t do a lick of good for anyone. Funny how we keep trying it out though.

Keeping myself feeling happy and safe by doing what I feel I need to do balanced with what I want to do. Noticing every time I feel discomfort, my brain and body telling me I need more or less of anything. I am present and looking to a future I want to look forward to. And it will require much laughter, creativity, collaboration, and community of course.Here and Happy on

My life requires me to be present and committed. And I no longer dread but look forward to this coming Summer. Our family has gotten strong together this past year and having missed our vacation last year, we are looking forward to it just a little more.

So maybe I’m just resetting to vacation mode early but I hope it lasts and lasts.

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