Can I Allow Myself to Make Mistakes?
Trying to book plane tickets to Ireland, I made a very expensive mistake. Could I allow for this or did I need to allow for a happier ending?
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Trying to book plane tickets to Ireland, I made a very expensive mistake. Could I allow for this or did I need to allow for a happier ending?
On December 22nd of this year, 2022, I had an essay published online. Titled The Major Aha Moment When I Stopped Fixating on Fixing Myself, you can read it HERE. I had submitted this to the Tiny Buddha blog back in September before the melee of Mom’s move and the Holiday gauntlet. Lori shot back…
My word for 2022 is Forward. It asks me to move on with a future in mind and so I am obliging. Much to look forward to.
Perhaps guided by some previous words of the year, Release (ease) and Trust, my days have been devoid of push and rush. Thankfully, the anxieties of the past lives have melted into the abyss. A combination of happily being on anti-depressives and a discussion about self-hatred with my therapist which brought me back to the…
I realize that I have not declared my word of the year for 2021. Even before the ball dropped for this year, I knew it was going to be Joy. We had so much distress and sadness in 2020 that I just knew Joy was all I wanted to focus on. The Psychologies magazine said,…
This word of the year thing is an interesting ritual I found and began when I became a member of the online community. I thought it odd but was also intrigued with how it might benefit me, to have a word to inspire me. And yes, I also wanted to fit in with the cool…
Last year, I chose the word Trust as my word of the year for 2018. I wanted to trust the world, my process, and myself. But I’ve found that just because I want something to be a certain way doesn’t mean that I am inspired by telling myself it has to be that way. In…
Let me start by saying that by March ’17 , I had abandoned my 2017 word of the year on the side of the road. It asked too much of me. Or should I say, it asked for inauthenticity. A fake it until you make it attitude I couldn’t buy into. My word was Courage…
For several years running, I’ve joined the “pick a word of the year” clan. From the first time I read about it, I thought this was an excellent idea. I love the inspiration that some words embody. And when you are stuck, you can meditate and ask how the word can show you a meaning…
This December delivered some sucker punches and I found myself with a busted hope bubble in the last week of the year. I was numb. Didn’t want to feel bad anymore. I doubted that my path was clear anymore. Or that I even had the energy to lift my feet up to continue trudging down…