International Women’s Day 2021 : Seeing Ourselves as Valuable
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International Women’s Day 2021 : Seeing Ourselves as Valuable

The theme for 2021’s International Women’s Day, which falls on Monday March 8th, is #ChoosetoChallenge .While the global pandemic over the past year has challenged all of us in ways we’d never have wished on anyone, it has also brought to light some woeful discrepancies in gender equality. I have issue with the dismissal and…

Ladies, We Are Still Disregarding Ourselves 100 Years Later
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Ladies, We Are Still Disregarding Ourselves 100 Years Later

This pandemic has again brought to light the fact that the world runs on the efforts and consideration of the caretakers. In fact, the role of mother and homemaker has never been given it’s due respect from my perspective. We aren’t just undercompensated for the care we give the people who need it, we are…

You Don’t Have to Be Called “Artist” to Create, You Just Need to Create

You Don’t Have to Be Called “Artist” to Create, You Just Need to Create

You recognize that you’re a creative person. You make stuff all the time. And yet you aren’t comfortable calling yourself an artist. You say, “Artists devote themselves to their crafts and are really really talented. That’s not me.” I’ve been there, done this too. But I say, it’s not about calling yourself an artist, it’s…

Screw the Results, Get Caught up in the creative Process
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Screw the Results, Get Caught up in the creative Process

In the midst of this creativity Challenge , #OurCreativeJanuary , and I recognize what my purpose in life is. It’s to not only keep creating something, anything, but to insist that everyone else needs to too. Not for the credit or the compliments on how perfectly you’ve done it, but how lovely it feels to…

Our Creative January Challenge for 2021
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Our Creative January Challenge for 2021

Announcing an Our Creative January Challenge to start off 2021 on the creative right foot . A creative community challenge I am hosting on Instagram. Since 2017, l’ve dared to host #ourcreativeselves community projects and #Soul_selfie challenges. As l continue to emerge from my creative and low self-esteem shells, these challenges have given voice to…