You recognize that you’re a creative person. You make stuff all the time. And yet you aren’t comfortable calling yourself an artist. You say, “Artists devote themselves to their crafts and are really really talented. That’s not me.” I’ve been there, done this too. But I say, it’s not about calling yourself an artist, it’s about crediting yourself with your unique and constant creativity. About choosing a label you are happy with like Maker or Creative.
I started by calling myself an artist with a small “a”. As I said yes to creative projects, I began to see myself as more talented through the eyes of the other participants. And when I was introduced to the idea of calling myself an Uber-Creative, I knew I liked that definition way more than Artist. Read my thoughts about this in my post on Life as an Uber Creative.
It’s all about giving credibility and voice to your inner creative child. We have taken on the voice that says that creativity is unproductive and unnecessary. We all expect women to create children and homes and systems to raise them in. From the meals that we make to the ways that we parent our obstinate offspring, a woman’s world is perpetually creative.
So I invite you to see yourself in this new light of permitted creativity. We makers need to stick together and show off what we make. To be seen and to see what we may be capable of making too. Join me on Instagram, a fairly straightforward social media app, by posting a picture there, describing it in the description area, and typing #ourcreativeselves and @shalaghhogan there too to connect with us. This will be an amazing first step to acknowledging your creativity and joining a community of creatives.
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I am a community kinda person and am always practicing Intentional Intouchness.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.