If you have been a reader of my blog for a little while, you may know that a renovation has been imminent. An ongoing process that has lasted five years in which I was terrified and hopeful that I would finally have a beautiful new site. And that wish is about to be realized.

What went wrong you may ask? Why has it taken so long? A simplified answer is lack of confidence and miscommunications. We are not ready for change until we are. While brave enough to blog, I was always small and that felt safe. I published consistently but never grew my audience. But my talent grew and I knew that to be true.

When I finally chose to medicate my anxieties, my world opened up. And many of the things that I thought were impossibilities began to feel like possibilities. And a new blog where I can play, create, and connect with people started to sound like more fun than felt scary.

But towards the end here, it’s felt hard. I didn’t dare to hope for a completion. My hope had been dashed so many times, I had given up on it. And I kept translating the incompletion and set backs as a sign that I was unworthy to have this happen. Always applying my not enoughs.

Bottom line is that this blog is about to change it’s look. It’s about to morph into a new entity. All of the content will d=still be here. 9 years of my writing and my life will be contained within, it will just look shinier.

Welcome to my growth. And stay tuned. My blog is here for me to remember myself when I forget who I am. And it is here for you if you need a little jolt of wisdom and positivity in your day of life.

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I love community, soulful candid conversation, and being in touch.

And as always, thank you for your visit.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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If you are interested in reading more of my thoughts on Creative Soul Living, place your name into the subscription box in the sidebar on the right and subscribe to my weekly posts delivered straight to your inbox.

And as always, thank you for your visit.


    1. Until it happens, it hasn’t happened. I’m still holding my breath but the moment it happens, I think my head will explode.
      Thank you Claire!

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