Our Creative Selves October Comes to An End, or Does It?
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Our Creative Selves October Comes to An End, or Does It?

As we wrap up our creative community challenge, Our Creative Selves October, on Instagram, I want to reiterate how important recognizing our need to create truly is. (Catch the post that announced the week’s challenge here.) Back when my fear didn’t permit me to express my creativity, I was living a shadow life. I felt…

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Our Creative Selves October Starts Now

Starting tomorrow, Saturday October 1st, 2022, I’ll be hosting a week-long creativity challenge on Instagram called Our Creative Selves October which will run through October 7th. I’ve already had a number of people chime in to say they want to join in the fun. Any creativity is welcome. It could be writing or knitting or…

The Start of Project Me : 28 Days Come What May Project
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The Start of Project Me : 28 Days Come What May Project

I am not supposed to be fixing me. That was so last year and the life  before’s story. IBut I kept telling myself, “if I fix my weight and my brain and my house all up… then everything will be Okay.” Not Okay. All efforts to fix me didn’t work out that well. And I…

The 100 Day Project 2022: Days 26 through 51

The 100 Day Project 2022: Days 26 through 51

In my previous post, the first 25 days of the 100-day project 2022, I spoke about the technical tasks and difficulties of this project medium. Getting the polaroid printer to behave and all the applications that it takes me to deliver these little thought pictures. As for the thoughts I write, they are often harder…

Finishing Up My 100 Day Project for 2021 : Days 81 through 100
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Finishing Up My 100 Day Project for 2021 : Days 81 through 100

(Links to the first four posts can be found at the bottom) This year, 2021, the 100 Day project started early. Since many of us were still keeping to ourselves due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it was a brilliant strategy to invest time in myself and rebuild some of my self-trust by doing art…

The Start of the 100 Day Project 2021/100 Days of Shalagh : Days 1 through 20

The Start of the 100 Day Project 2021/100 Days of Shalagh : Days 1 through 20

(Scroll down to the bottom to see the links to see the rest of the posts for this project) I started 2021’s 100 Day Project on January 31st. I assume they moved it up from its usual April starting date because, well, there’s nothing better to do this second year of pandemic plague lockdown. And…

Our Creative January Challenge for 2021
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Our Creative January Challenge for 2021

Announcing an Our Creative January Challenge to start off 2021 on the creative right foot . A creative community challenge I am hosting on Instagram. Since 2017, l’ve dared to host #ourcreativeselves community projects and #Soul_selfie challenges. As l continue to emerge from my creative and low self-esteem shells, these challenges have given voice to…