As we wrap up our creative community challenge, Our Creative Selves October, on Instagram, I want to reiterate how important recognizing our need to create truly is. (Catch the post that announced the week’s challenge here.)

Back when my fear didn’t permit me to express my creativity, I was living a shadow life. I felt a burning yearning to fill my hollowness up with light and color and joy. But my fear said that was dangerous. I’d risk judgment and shame.

But as children, we were invincible when we created. Immersed in our process of self-discovery through creativity, we hardly cared anything for what others thought. Until we did. Because judgment creeped in and most assuredly convinced us that we would die if people didn’t like what we made.

Now, as adults, we live torturous lives of “something missing” denying it has anything to do with creativity. If only we had another perspective and the permission to be ourselves and express who we are in any creative medium we loved.

Wait, we can have that. But it may require joining together and proving our worthiness to create alongside others. Because we aren’t meant to be alone. And creativity in community feels so good!

With the understanding that so many of our choices daily are creative, I asked people to bring any and all of that into our weeklong creativity challenge. And that’s what they did.

I appreciate everyone who joined me and added their creative offerings to our group. And if you want to keep creating under that hashtag #OurCreativeSelvesOctober or just plain #OurCreativeSelves, I’d be glad to continue with you. I adore comments here or to me on IG!


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And as always, thank you for your visit.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

Find and friend me on Instagram to view my daily pictures and art projects.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


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