What Sexiest about Me isn’t my Butt

The Dead Plant Disappointments and What’s Sexiest about Me

Back from our first summer vacation and happily can say that I felt vacated a few times while away. Car travel is somewhat exhausting. Our three kitties were very needy upon our return. Felt very relieved that we’d finally gotten a good rain while away but alas, there were some dead plants. Recent disappointments feel…

In Preparation to Release, Increase, and Embrace Some Shifts
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In Preparation to Release, Increase, and Embrace Some Shifts

I am about to chew through my third journal since the beginning of the year. Apparently, I can write a lot. Writing in my journal is how I figure out where I am, what’s important to me, and where I want to head. I have kept my writing parameters loose from the New Year through…

Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
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Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Let It Be Easy (Peasy Lemon Squeezy} A Prayer to the Universe Longing to fill this glowing space back in. With my life, my creative breath Beauty of Me-ness Bee-ness For me to share the sights I seek to see And To Be Seen As Me, the One I Know I Am To Be And…

A Shift from Here But Where is “Here”
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A Shift from Here But Where is “Here”

I started my year with an intention to make a few shifts in my life. Here’s what’s happened in the past month. I’ve changed my mindset about my body, about writing, about Me time, and about productivity. I’m in a different place than I was even a month ago. I now live a slower less…