Good and happy news is always in need of sharing. Sharing closes the circle to our friendship with others and with ourselves.

On Instagram yesterday, I noticed that someone had put a post of mine up in her story. Seems she really likes my idea for my 100-day project where I choose to throw out something every day. The project keeps me serious and committed. Her enthusiasm was a happy surprise and of course, l thanked her, and began to think. What other things was I doing that have value that I’m not noticing.

I had arranged some flowers for my mother-in-law Mary’s birthday and took a picture and sent it to my florist. She said I was hired. That felt nice. I was painting and caulking my brand-new porch and remembered l had done this for money while in college. I’m good at it. That recognition made me happy.Good and Happy Value-Me News on shalavee-staging-1.local

But the biggest kicker was when I attended a cooking class recently and began to chat with an elderly man next to me, Mr. Larry. Turns out he cooks for a community center nearby and after an email exchange of recipes, he invited me to be his sous chef for a Mexican dinner around my birthday in September. I said I’d love to. How does he know I can do that? Because you just know when you meet a person committed to having fun like you. He said he’d had the opportunity to sous chef for Chef Jacques Pepin. Cheffy fun stuff will happen!

I was thinking how like old Martha Stewart I am in my many creative endeavors until l considered what a good self-marketer she is. Plus the whole incarcerated for insider trading only to recently become the oldest model for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. She’s her and I do me just fine.

All this to say that I’m feeling a rise in my spirits and my self worth and I wanted to share this moment with you my readership because it’s important for both of us. For me to claim and for you to hear in case you too need to make a move toward being more you in your world,

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On Instagram Through pictures and words, I creatively share my real life  with a community of interested ears. I also write Notes to the Wise, a new IG page I made to spark and have  conversations of a soulful sort.

On Facebook , you can friend me Here  and/or like my Shalavee page Here.

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