A Return to a Devotion to My Writing
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A Return to a Devotion to My Writing

I’ve been dancing with my purpose for a very long time. Writing a blog consistently for 13 years seemed like I was fulfilling my purpose. And for a little while, it felt right but life interrupted me. Raising children, suffering trauma, and a general lack of self-confidence intervened, and I could do nothing more but…

Finding Out Who I am with the Help of Who I Was
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Finding Out Who I am with the Help of Who I Was

Inspiration hit me this week when I put myself to a task I feel is always over my head, held there by me. But it’s also literally above my head in my third-floor attic, the chaos of all chaoses. As I started to move about and clear the pathways from my life’s stranded moments, I…

My Now Normal and What’s to Come
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My Now Normal and What’s to Come

I’m perhaps a little stunned that this year is feeling so much more normal. The flower garden is growing and asking me for the attention that usually overwhelms me as we head into May, the super busy month. I’d like to have gotten more done before the heat wave hit but I’m hoping for some…