Bald Spots Where Decisions Should Be
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Holding Space for My Future Decisions in My Busy Now

There are numerous happenings occurring in my world now. My 5th grader is finishing up public “grade school” and will be attending a new private school next year. We are doing all the year ending ceremonies plus there are many Mommy to-dos with this academic move. We need new school costumes, a new computer, and…

And Now for the Rest of the Blogstory

And Now for the Rest of the Blogstory

This year marks the 13th year of the creation and I have blogged consistently monthly throughout those years. See last week’s story about beginning the blog Here. Many who were blogging before me or alongside me, have moved on from their blogs. Perhaps to a Substack account or otherwise in their careers; bloggers are…

Participated in the One Day Hour by Hour Challenge on Instagram
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Participated in the One Day Hour by Hour Challenge on Instagram

Yesterday, I joined a once-a-year challenge on Instagram called the One Day Hour by Hour challenge. You can see it here on my Instagram account.  Hosted by Laura Tremaine, the challenge asks you to chronicle your day hour by hour and post some pictures on social media while you do it. I thought, what the heck,…