I’m perhaps a little stunned that this year is feeling so much more normal.

The flower garden is growing and asking me for the attention that usually overwhelms me as we head into May, the super busy month. I’d like to have gotten more done before the heat wave hit but I’m hoping for some milder weather again to get outside. It’s a better normal.

However, thankfully I am not overbooked with duties as, like it or not, our life closets have been cleaned out of extraneous activities. And more happily still, personal projects that have been simmering for years on the back burner are about to come to a boil. We could all use that feeling of accomplishment you get when something dreamed of and hoped for comes to fruition.My Now Normal and What's to Come on Shalavee.com

We have a couple vacations planned, and a couple summer camps too, so that feels more like a normal year. And we’re planning a party to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary in October giving us and a lot of other people something to look forward to.

So I’m sitting with all of this wondering about how I can take it all in and let it all out and be a big better me all the while. To sit in that sweet spot where you know you are here doing exactly what you are meant to do. And to forgive yourself for ever having doubted.


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