An Archaeological Dig to Find Myself
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An Archaeological Dig to Find Myself

I found myself in the attic today, knowing full well that much of the rest of my 100 Day challenge of letting go of past shite would be found in that space where my entire life is packed into boxes and bins neglectfully carelessly stacked everywhere. I didn’t have cold feet but I did have…

Finding Out Who I am with the Help of Who I Was
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Finding Out Who I am with the Help of Who I Was

Inspiration hit me this week when I put myself to a task I feel is always over my head, held there by me. But it’s also literally above my head in my third-floor attic, the chaos of all chaoses. As I started to move about and clear the pathways from my life’s stranded moments, I…

Letting Go of the People I Thought I Might Have Been
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Letting Go of the People I Thought I Might Have Been

“Why do I have this box of stuff in the attic?”, I wonder. This questionable box has been there so long that it’s developed the dreaded force field. The box, because of its longevity in this spot, has now become a given and almost invisible. Except when I ask, “Why do I have this box…

The Yard Sale

The Yard Sale

If it wasn’t enough for me to cater and decorate and throw a party for my Wee Fi a couple of weeks ago, this weekend is a yard sale. And not just any yard sale but the only one I’ve had since I shutdown the shop on that frigid and tragic day in 2007. Long…

Done Decorating
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Done Decorating

Many others suffer from the same love/passion/obsessive compulsive disorder of redecorating for seasons/holidays/bouts with boredom (/ wrists) as I do. So here came the fall/Halloween season and I still hadn’t brought the boxes down from the attic. No excuse is ever good enough but here’s mine. Since I’m four and a half months pregnant in…