Many others suffer from the same love/passion/obsessive compulsive disorder of redecorating for seasons/holidays/bouts with boredom (/ wrists) as I do. So here came the fall/Halloween season and I still hadn’t brought the boxes down from the attic. No excuse is ever good enough but here’s mine.
Since I’m four and a half months pregnant in an almost over the hill body, my back aches. The concept of making it hurt anymore by hauling things down and around was unappealing at most. I even warned my husband,”If you see a new box somewhere, you need to ask me if you can do something with it for me. Otherwise, I’ll move it the next day and you’ll fell badly that you didn’t offer to hump it instead.” Deaf ears. I did it anyway.
At this point the top of the attic steps has become a repository for numerous boxes of baby stuff, florals, lamps, and Halloween stuff. That’ll be another day of shuffling things about up there. But the Happy News is, I’ve Redecorated. I humped it down, ow, ow, ow. And then it took two rounds of ‘spend time with my stuff so it will tell me where it goes’. But it’s as good as it’ll get with a week to spare. Pictures start now. The only picture of last years decorations I felt was OK to share is first. The rest show how much better it looks now.

I took this arrangement to church for the Fall fest buffet table. Thought I’d snap a picture of it out there. There’s also a Fall fest that happens at a local State Park. My Mom took my son last weekend and they came home with the scarecrow they had made. He was promptly placed on the bench on the front porch. And wouldn’t you know, the next morning, when I opened the shades, I scared myself.

Happy Falloween everyone.
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Oh, beautiful! I love the lit tree and the skull in the bowl. Oh, and the birds on the branches. Very nice touch. But, please don’t overdue it with all this redecorating, Shalagh! Be careful.
For real, are you going to pull the “in your condition”. I do exaggerate you know. Somewhat. You’ll never know. Wait until Christmas. Funny, when I looked up “how to paint a chevron”, there were two different posts with very very pregnant women. Nesting is a biological prerogative.And no man or woman will put it asunder.
Ha, ha, not surprised to hear the scarecrow gave you such a fright! Your decorations are properly spooky Shalagh! Love your fireplace and the green chair on the deck! You’ve evoked memories for me of seasonal decorating while pregnant and the mindset of ‘it’s not much fun but it MUST be done!’
I feel like it must be fun too. Just have to be prepared and not dread the potential backache. My husband asked me today if I had a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish before the baby gets here and I said,”Yes and that’s almost mean.” I am resolved to do what I can and let go of the rest for ten more years. Holiday decorating is quite the coupe.
Love the gnarly dude wooden basket!
Did that come from that wonderfull gift shop, Joviality at 406 Market St.??
Yes. In fact it is one of my favoritest Christmas presents ever.