18 Days into my 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite Project
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18 Days into my 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite Project

Last year, I introduced this new project, 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite in THIS POST. “… In burying what does not serve you, you create space for something more profound to grow. You become stronger by weeding through what is no longer contributing to your growth.” and explained that the reason I…

Out of My Journal and into Creative Commitment

Out of My Journal and into Creative Commitment

Revelation always begins in my journal. I’m sitting on the purple couch writing with my fountain pen in purple ink. I’m noticing how I don’t feel as awesome about myself as I’d like to. I write, “How does one convince oneself of one’s worth?” And I start to think, “Why do I keep thinking I…

Letting go of past trauma… Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite
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Letting go of past trauma… Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite

Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite , my 2023 100 Day Project. Sometimes the letting go is more than physical. Sometimes it has to do with the story we’re telling ourselves. In this case, it had to do with letting go of a memory that could hold me hostage. This was about me letting go of past…

Your Inner Creative Child Doesn’t Like Shoulds

Your Inner Creative Child Doesn’t Like Shoulds

Have you become mad at yourself because you can’t keep a regular creative schedule? Judging yourself because you are not committed to your creative life and not producing the way you think you should? This is how you can guarantee your creativity won’t be inspired. When our creativity and productivity become entwined, our inner child…

Editing My Unempowering Story about Creativity and Me
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Editing My Unempowering Story about Creativity and Me

“What story have I been telling that may not be true”, the self-help guru asked. I’ve been feeling quite stagnant of recent and I decided to listen to or read something that I thought might spur some change. What else is there to do? And as I began to write down some possible stories I…