I have taken a break from blog posting because I’ve been very busy with end of the year performances but mainly because I didn’t want to post because I had to. I want to write because I want to. I think back over all the years that I’ve been writing this blog and many years were filled with posting on projects I am doing and many on thinking deep thoughts. I wanted to use these pages to explore and share myself.

Presently, I’m feeling the need for the same again. Taking the opportunity to fill this space with thoughts on my new 100 day project and also on some happy moments and thoughts that have come from them.

Back To Life, Back To Blogging on Shalavee.comThis week, I’m going to go back to a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posting so that I can catch up with sharing what I want to share rather than what I think I should share. Sometimes we need to step away to become reacquainted with ourselves. I wrote on Instagram notes today,

If you don’t feel yourself, do something truer to being you.”

Sometimes self-care is just about listening to yourself and doing the next thing that you fancy doing.

~~ Kind words are gratefully accepted in the comments below or join me …

On Instagram Through pictures and words, I creatively share my real life  with a community of interested ears. I also write Notes to the Wise, a new IG page I made to spark and have  conversations of a soulful sort.

On Facebook , you can friend me Here  and/or like my Shalavee page Here.

If you are interested in reading more of my thoughts on Creative Soul Living, place your name into the subscription box in the sidebar and subscribe to my weekly posts and Newsletters delivered straight to your inbox.

As always, thank you for your visit !

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

Find and friend me on Instagram to view my daily pictures and art projects.

Find and Facebook friend me.

If you are interested in reading more of my thoughts on Creative Soul Living, place your name into the subscription box in the sidebar on the right and subscribe to my weekly posts delivered straight to your inbox.

And as always, thank you for your visit.

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