Your Roots Can Show

Your Roots Can Show

Overtime, inevitably, roots will show. Life if formed from and based on roots. Allow them to be there. Let them show. Let them comfortably confirm the origin of your wisdom, beauty, and change. And then feel free to cover them up again for another future unveiling.   Interested in reading my more of my thoughts…

A Fictional Writing Piece on the Corona Virus by My Son Eamon Peach
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A Fictional Writing Piece on the Corona Virus by My Son Eamon Peach

I was not surprised when my children’s artistic talents began to emerge. My son could draw pretty well and at age 8, he began to play the piano. The rest is history. He took to it so fast, it was always what he’d been good at, he’d just not gotten a chance to play yet….

Setting the Record Straight About Authenticity
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Setting the Record Straight About Authenticity

Being authentic, honest, or forthright is still considered a crime in our modern society. It’s understood that if you tell the truth about your background, heritage, or state of mind, you are asking for trouble. You could be judged and shunned for these truths. It’s crazy-talk to be outright honest. Many African Americans “passed” as…

Why Does My Self-Interest Waver?
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Why Does My Self-Interest Waver?

I am wondering what my deal is when it comes to my wavering self-interest. I understand that I prioritize my children and my family above myself. I understand that everything I may do that is a creative endeavor is a risk of showing my authentic self and getting whooped. Fear does a lot of dances…