Last year, I introduced this new project, 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite in THIS POST.

“… In burying what does not serve you, you create space for something more profound to grow. You become stronger by weeding through what is no longer contributing to your growth.” and explained that the reason I think I hold onto some of the stuff I do is because I have yet to decide who I am and I’m hoping these things will tell me.

I have let go of at least 4 bags of clothing because, having lost the weight I did, I could fit into my “old me” clothes. That’s been a mental boost, and I was able to move an actual dresser out and gift it to my mother.

Drawers are getting overhauls. I have tossed my bedraggled tree topper to force myself to get a new one. I let go of a remaining artifact from my long ago vintage/gifts shop named Bally Eden which had my logo on it.

I let go of a bunch of craft stuff including a ton of construction paper and various recycling “building” supplies because I thought I was going to be a crafty Mom. Alas, I was not.

I tried to let go of my record albums but so many people screamed that they would take them that that purge was stalled. A dimension you have to be careful of when being public about letting go. You hit some anxiety provoking letting go notes for your audience as well. But in the end, it’s still yours to let go of.

18 Days into my 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite Project on Shalavee,com
Day 10

There was a pair of brown Converse low top shoes that were prized but never worn.

There was a pair of silhouettes I made on shower curtains for a Mardi Gras party that never happened. When you’ve created the pieces, it’s even harder to let them go.

And I commend myself for the regular management of recycling paper, cardboard, plastic, cans, and glass. Plus, I compost my food scraps so well that I have a barrel full of happy black worm riddled dirt ready to put back in my garden. But like the clothing, I’m not going to count any of that in my purge project.

I realize that I might be slightly behind in my days, but I also will say that these projects are not about perfection as much as progress and eventually completion. And it’s my hope that I will be in a different mental place by the end of my 100-day purge of the past.

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