It was Kathleen Shannon of Braid Creative, in one her many wise creativity business coaching type emails, who suggested I didn’t have to be nervous about every creative job I took on. I already had a creative process but may just be unaware of. Stopped me dead.
Because knowing and believing in this process I’ve been obliviously using each time I design an event space or a decorative element, is what will lead me to self-efficacy and the feeling that I can do this again and again. And I want that more than anything right now.
So I’ve attempted to describe what I consider to be my creative process. And this is what I settled on.
Cull the Concept– Comprehend the limits, scale, purpose, scope, colors, theme, mechanics, time line/schedule needs and limits.
Go vision shopping – Surf Pinterest for images that feel like where I’m headed and/or go shopping to see what’s available or on trend.
Download and print out pictures – Create an inspiration file or Pinterest page.
Create a rough design – Based around price and availability of supplies, color, simplicity, scale, and impact, describe and claim the design parameters.
Collect supplies needed. Create a mock-up or prototype if necessary.
Write a timeline – Consider how much time the project will take and count back your time from installation. Write out a schedule/timeline for the work.
Get to work !
Here’s a perfect example of Inspirational pictures and their actual interpretation. This was a jazz club themed fundraiser . That post is here .
This inspiration picture from Pinterest…
became this.
And this
inspired this
Since my discovery of Pinterest, my events are mostly done with this method. My 15 foot Christmas tree redesign a couple of years ago was a result of trolling for ideas online and then recreating all the bits with stuff I had at home. That post is here.

Visual people are visual. Once we see something that excites us, it’s almost as if we want to own it somehow. Whether taking a picture of it or recreating it somehow in our own materials, the artistic world is like the rolling waves of the ocean. We are racing and tagging, tripping and tumbling over visions and concepts we’ve been inspired by from other places and sources to create our own version of the vision. So if Pinterest helps, I say yes. I also say set a timer of like 30 minutes. There’s only so much you need and then you need to get out before you start feeling overstimulated and in need of moving on with our day. Am I right?
Curious to know how you work and what your process looks like. Similarities? And this may really work for visual and not for writing. Unless a beautiful image sets you to writing madly.
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