Regular Creativity Can Bring You the Joy Akin to Christmas
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Regular Creativity Can Bring You the Joy Akin to Christmas

My daughter Fiona is about to turn 8 years-old. She has already written and posted a birthday wish list on the refrigerator. It includes items like a trampoline, a banana seat and basket for her bicycle, and a goldfish. Her birthday isn’t even 3 moths after Christmas so I’m thinking how do we so easily…

This Joy Today is All I’ve Got
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This Joy Today is All I’ve Got

Only gratitude brings true joy. An understanding that I am worth this feeling, entitled by my humanity to feel it. Between joy and happiness, I choose joy. The Psychologies magazine says, “Joy is more consistent and is cultivated internally. It comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you…

Just Five Things
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Just Five Things

I have joined a week long exercise in mindfulness and community expansion this week. Created and run by Michelle GD, The Just Five Things Course is asking me to pause three times a day and list five things based on the prompt word of the day. I must admit that “Gratitude” was a hard prompt…