100 Days of Shalagh 2021 : Days 61 through 80
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100 Days of Shalagh 2021 : Days 61 through 80

I am officially 80 percent complete with this year’s 100 Day Project. It started much earlier this Pandemic afflicted year and I appreciated that immensely. I was given a reason to be purposeful and remember how wonderful creating daily feels. And I won’t be dragging my art supplies off to my vacation unless I want…

You Don’t Have to Be Called “Artist” to Create, You Just Need to Create

You Don’t Have to Be Called “Artist” to Create, You Just Need to Create

You recognize that you’re a creative person. You make stuff all the time. And yet you aren’t comfortable calling yourself an artist. You say, “Artists devote themselves to their crafts and are really really talented. That’s not me.” I’ve been there, done this too. But I say, it’s not about calling yourself an artist, it’s…

Enrolled and Sharing the Creative Doer Course from Anna Lovind
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Enrolled and Sharing the Creative Doer Course from Anna Lovind

I am currently enrolled in the Creative Doer course constructed by Anna Lovind to find clarity on the creative project we have been dreaming of doing and the freedom, clarity, and inspiration to proceed. I knew this would be what I needed because her Creative Doer book was one of the most amazing reads, outside…

My 100 Day Project ’20 : Days 26 – 50
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My 100 Day Project ’20 : Days 26 – 50

I’ve been rolling along with my 100 day project during this Pandemic of Covid-19. While I’m happy to say, I’m three quarters of the way through, I have neglected to share pictures from the quarter mark to the half way mark. So here’s the #100daysofshalagh, art and collage on tiny cards from day 26 to…

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I Can is About to Fuel the Rest of My Life

Somehow I’ve decided that there is a box I am supposed to stay within. That to venture from the box is certain death. I somehow always know that I am not allowed to imagine myself anywhere else but in the Fear Box. I am denied access to the world of possibilities outside. But I also…

Why I’m OK Teaching a Creativity Workshop
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Why I’m OK Teaching a Creativity Workshop

If I had a dime for every time I heard, “Oh Shalagh you are so creative”, I’d at least have five bucks. This became one of those phrases that made me twitch perhaps because I didn’t think of myself as having any kind of creative superpowers which was obvious to them but not to me,…

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100 Day Project : Days 14 Through 33

I’ve passed the month mark for the 100 Days Challenge. Or 100 Days of Shalagh as I’ve hashtagged it on Instagram. And as I suspected, it’s not been that hard to do. Partly because I knew going in I’d already proven I could create for 100 days straight (See my starting post on the background…