I am officially 80 percent complete with this year’s 100 Day Project. It started much earlier this Pandemic afflicted year and I appreciated that immensely. I was given a reason to be purposeful and remember how wonderful creating daily feels. And I won’t be dragging my art supplies off to my vacation unless I want to.
Self-trust is developed with any habit and discipline. That is an immense gift to give oneself. To know you are capable of making your decisions in ways that serve and benefit you is a lovely feeling.
If you want to see the previous installments of this project,
To see the beginning of the project, Days 1-20, go here.
To see Days 21 through 40, go here.
To see Days 41 through 60, go here.
19 more days and counting! See you at the end.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
I hope you truly know how wonderful these works of art are.
I am so grateful to have a friend who watches me.