I am currently enrolled in the Creative Doer course constructed by Anna Lovind to find clarity on the creative project we have been dreaming of doing and the freedom, clarity, and inspiration to proceed. I knew this would be what I needed because her Creative Doer book was one of the most amazing reads, outside of Big Magic, I’ve ever read on the subject of Creativity. Anna’s been with me for over five years supporting me in my creativity journey.
In the beginning of my creative journey, I was desperate for wisdom and a plan. I grabbed tidbits and paid for courses on fear and branding and finding how my soul ticked. I was a black hole of need. And each scrap I threw at the hole burned up before it made a difference. Because what I was really looking for was freedom from the bondage of my low self-esteem and that would be an inside job.
I attended therapy sessions and forced myself to show up online in social media circles with like-minded people. And this is where I started to shift. I was not the only one who was experiencing the death gripping fear of creativity. I was joined by women and men all over the world of all ages and I felt better. And one of these people was Anna.
She has continued to influence and impress me in the last five years. Anna Lovind is a Swedish author and revolutionary. She is a creative sister, a trauma victim, and the truest soul you will ever meet.
I wrote blog post upon blog post about what I was learning and how I was growing, or how I wished I could grow. I stayed present and truthful. As my circle grew, I found I had courage to reach out to this remarkable women.
In this Q & A blog post, I queried her on the balance of being a creative and a mother. I called her a “necessary resource”. Creative mothers need extra support.
In this blog post titled The Seesaw of Being a Creative Parent, I include all the Q and A’s I did on being a creative mama.
In this blog post titled Permission to Be a Changed You, I found inspiration in her words,
“I am the person who is allowed to change. I don’t owe anyone consistency. I don’t need to be faithful to what I used to be (unless I want to).”
We all must find those people who we admire and trust to follow out of our depths. Anna is so fiercely devoted to her work and to her children that she allows me to know I am too.
If you are at all interested, go join her via this link for a live question about he online Creative Doer course I am currently enrolled in. It’s a go at your own pace completely supported course in getting clear about who and what you are in need of doing as a creative. Tell her I sent you.
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
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