Letting go of past trauma… Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite
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Letting go of past trauma… Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite

Day 52 of #lettinggoofpastshite , my 2023 100 Day Project. Sometimes the letting go is more than physical. Sometimes it has to do with the story we’re telling ourselves. In this case, it had to do with letting go of a memory that could hold me hostage. This was about me letting go of past…

Choosing to Kick Back and Enjoy the Weather
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Choosing to Kick Back and Enjoy the Weather

The weather has been dream Spring weather. Cooler temperatures have tempted me into doing further gardening beyond what my sister Michelle helped me with during her visit for Eamon’s performances in the play and concerts at the end of May. It’s breezy and overcast now and the hummingbirds are visiting the feeders at this very…

Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

I can remember being very impatient with the way the seasons would take their time to move on. It seemed like an infinity to wait before Spring would arrive. I feel very differently now at twice the age. I like how long Winter takes because I don’t have as much to be responsible for while…

A Few Personal Cooking (and Eating)Trends

A Few Personal Cooking (and Eating)Trends

I adore cooking and look forward to the summer season to make a few favorites with our tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. We grew both sauce tomatoes and sandwich tomatoes as well as grape and yellow cherry tomatoes called Sungolds. I always make gazpacho with the first tomatoes served with shrimp and homemade croutons. Gazpacho recipe…

July Continues
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July Continues

The second week in July brought the long-awaited Brittish soccer camp. Which was promptly renamed Camp Hurts Alot. A half hour before we were due to be there, we realized that the shin guards were missing in action. And I grumbled on the five-minute drive over to the high school that “Mommy would be compromising…