When you don’t feel you are worth it, like the effort to go to the doctor or make those changes to your diet or get more education for a better paying job, why and who you are making the effort for may be your key to motivation.

You don’t value yourself enough for the effort?

So be it.

But if you have children, their needs for your best You always trump everything.

Your why is always your key to getting your life done. And if you have kids, they are a bigger why than we even realize. They are witnessing everything that we do and say. They are watching, learning, and emulating the way we treat ourselves. And if they see us disregarding our bodies, allowing our boundaries to be bulldozed, and generally treating ourselves as if we are not worth it… they will do the same to themselves.

It’s a fact Jack.

Why Make the Effort? on Shalavee.com

“Do as I say not as I do” are the old rotted roots plunged into and holding onto these behaviors.

But how can you tell your children they are the best thing since sliced bread and then discredit the source of this compliment by allowing yourself to be treated as less.

The number one reason to value yourself is the shadow you cast. You are not as invisible as you think. When they try to bully me, I stand up for myself to my children for this reason alone. Because I want them to remember that I valued myself and my time enough to say not now. And I always keep my word to them and myself that my word is always true and valuable. I trust that I am strong for all of us until they are too.

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  1. Before I read any further, I looked at the picture of Fiona and thought to myself, that’s why we do it. You are right, however, that we must not lose ourselves in doing what our children need.

    1. If what we are doing disregards ourselves even when it’s for them then, no. The number one teacher is our actions. The way we do is how they’ll do and we risk being unreliable when we say they’re great but we’re not worth the effort.
      As always, Thanks for reading Mala!

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