Thoughts on Aging and Thankfulness
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Thoughts on Aging and Thankfulness

As I’m sitting about digesting this week, I’ve had a few thoughts and I thought to share them with you. Like, the fun part about getting older is that you begin to realize what makes you happy and what doesn’t. This corresponds with another realization that you are truly the primary person who you owe…

My Choice and My Recipe for Happiness
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My Choice and My Recipe for Happiness

My Happiness is mine to choose. And as overwhelming as that seems in choosing what that looks like, I’d rather the chance to vote. So I’ve embarked to rewrite my life script and reprogram my thoughts about me and my life that apparently hadn’t been working for me for a long time. They didn’t have…

Let’s Pretend To Know What Happiness Feels Like
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Let’s Pretend To Know What Happiness Feels Like

I spent such a huge part of my life feeling dread and misery that in the beginning of this whole life overhaul journey, I had to believe happiness wasn’t some BS made up Disney emotion. And then I had to figure out if I was worth this lovely gift. And when I finally decided that…