I admit, I have a “thing” for decorating, playing, and crafting with paper.
Paper gets you such a visual bang for your almost unspent dollar.
And butterflies have become my current paper obsession.

The first I made were these butterflies from color copied card stock.
I cut out three different sizes and glued them to the flowers and the wreath handle on my flower boats.
These were created as centerpieces and ended up in a local restaurant.
This butterfly version also appeared on my Butterfly Thank You Notes.
Last Christmas, I made butterflies from envelopes.
There are more where they came from. And will show up again.
The last butterflies were the accordion fold butterflies.
I was inspired to make these from a Pinterest picture, of course.

I die every time I see this picture. Perfect.

They aren’t hard to fold but you need very tight folds.
You do have to cut them right to achieve the shape. I looked at the picture and copied what I saw.
My brain works like this, “Cutting from corner angled down to third ridge then doubling back, then down to second valley.”
Good Luck.

These were made from scrap-book paper. Packs come in matching colors and patterns.
After the fold, I tied them with stunt yarn. After the cutting, little ribbon sashes were attached.
I grouped the butterflies together in threes to put on old book paper wreaths.

To make the wreaths, I grabbed old encyclopedias and
started cutting leaf shapes out.

I then affixed the “leaves” to a base of cardboard cut in the shape of an O.

This took all of five minutes to make.

They then became something like these. Although the butterflies were larger here and I used some color paged leaves as well.
I promptly gifted these to my two special blogging friends, Kathy and Amy. We were to bring gifts we’d made
to our Christmastime blog meeting. Our get together had inspired me to be creative.
My gratitude for friendship brings out my creativity the most.
Do you find that to be true of you too?
Thanks for keeping up with me and my crazy month stunt.
There’s more paper projects coming tomorrow. Stay tuned.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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