My definition of Christmas is the Holy Spirit of Creativity. Every year I aspire to get lost and recover there. This year, my inspiration comes from what I’ve been pinning on my paper Pinterest board. My blog Moodboard begot the folded fan butterflies. The butterflies were then incorporated into the leaf wreaths and gifted to friends. I felt the theme needed a continuance in my holiday decorating.

I prescribed myself a task. To create a white wreath and some white butterflies to go on the tree. Standing at the craft room table, I eyed the box of 60-year-old cards. And saw the envelopes.

At nighttime, the white will pop out on the tree, as will any red.

I love the way the stamps and the flaps of the envelopes give their origin away. I love the color of browned white. The half a clothespin was a given for the body. Lastly, I added silver wire for the antennae. Embellished with map leaves or glitter or a colored pencil outline, they make really sweet adornments for packages as well.

Although I’m very happy with my holiday decorating, I am not completely happy with the pictures. So this is a teaser. A Full post to come in one more day.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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    1. Thanks Jane. So glad you got to see them. What’s even more impressive is that they issued forth from my creative effortlessly, bypassing my judgement area. They are born of love and innocence like a child.

    1. So happy to have you come around Amanda. Belly baby just kicked with approval.
      Hope you have your holidays wrangled and are in the Zen zone soon too.

    1. Funny how our hearts know what to love and be terrified of for the same reason. Thanks Eli for looking. There is more where that came from because my obsession compels me.

    1. Thanks Nina, I’m feeling obsessed with this theme. No doubt it’ll show up next Christmas and a bunch of times in between. I want to go into my playroom and make one for everyone I love. I just may do this.

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