left side of Halloween mantle on Shalavee.com

A not so little boy asked if we could pull out the Halloween decorations please? I told him no. But that was because I planned to do it today and, of course, it’s all up in the attic. So while he was off on a field trip today and Fiona was napping, I threw some stuff around the living room that we dine in.

right side of Halloween mantle on Shalavee.com
rats and mums on Shalavee.com
left side of the bar decorations on Shalavee.com
right side og the bar decorations on Shalavee.com

Miss Chessie decided to “help” by jumping up on the sideboard/bar and lay down in middle of my stuff right as I was getting started.

Chessie decorations on Shalavee.com

And she ended up looking like a vixen pin-up so there was my Instagram picture for National Cat Day.

Vixen kitten Chessie on Shalavee.com

Tonight’s tradition is a Friday night movie night and pizza. Something scary but not. The Scared Shrekless special from 2010 is my favorite “must see” for Halloween now! I laugh so hard. But first carving the pumpkins, a family creative activity my husband no longer fights. Then we line up the lit jack ‘o lanterns on the bookshelf to enjoy while we watch our movie.

batcage on Shalavee.com

Tomorrow is Halloween. We’ll be doing our grilled cheese and tomato soup and potato chip traditional meal. A first night out for Fiona trick or treating that she’ll remember. We’ve told Fiona Halloween isn’t scary, it’s pretend scary. She keeps repeating this back to us.

Do take a look at former Halloween decorations here.

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