What do you do? The answer to this question implies your worth and productivity to the world. This question is why you stopped going to events where there might be strangers. Because you aren’t certain that there’s an answer you can provide that will bring satisfaction to you and them.
But what if we stopped valuing and judging ourselves on what we do? Gasp. What if we valued ourselves and our presence in this world and instead focused on what a successful life looked like to us not others? What would that look like?
To spend enough quality time with my kids and eat dinner with them most nights.
To have the time and energy to live a creative life outside of all my musts of parenting and household upkeep.
To be the kind of friend and parent that I want to have.
To honor my skills as a writer and respect my need to pursue that by scheduling regular writing time.
Three out of four I’m actually doing pretty well at. So I’d say my life is mostly already successful. The trick is to not aim so far ahead of your true life that you miss enjoying living it.
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