So I set out with some very specific intentions about how I needed this month to look. I said I wanted it to be about taking care of me. And Boy Howdy, I’d say I did that and then some.

There was the Creativity Bootcamp that I knew I’d be participating in for the month of February. And I had prepared myself so well that when the month hit, I had blog posts aplenty scheduled and I spent luscious wonderful time creating. I was also pretty stress free for the creating and installing the event design for the Anchor’s Away Service Auction.

dining room bookshelves on

And I noticed that as my proactive blog scheduling dwindled, I became much less free for creativity. And on top of that, if I didn’t specifically plan what I was going to be creatively working on that day or week, I was waaaayyyy less likely to do anything. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I think all of that is invaluable in knowing how I need to pace my life and do my planning in the future.

Then sometime in the first week of February, a few more exciting opportunities to take care of myself popped up. Cost me about three hundred dollars on my paid off credit card but each thing is Well Worth It.

First, we joined Weight Watchers . There was a special going that if you joined by Valentine’s Day and lost 10 pounds within the first two months, you’d get your money back for those months. I said I’d take that challenge. There is nothing more I’d like than to be fit and happy for my fiftieth birthday coming this September. And being in the process of reaching that goal has brought me such hope.

egg yolks on

Then there were two online ecourses that I joined up to take. These I will take when I have the time and am ready. The first will allow me to zero in on what my Manifesto is for my blog and help me to outline the book I will then be able to write on my philosophies and Lessons on Living. I have waited for the right tool to show up for me to grab to do this and I believe this is it. It’s called the Book Manifesto Course created by Sally Wolfe.

The other course is called the Creative Doer, a course developed by writer and creative coach Anna Lovind for creatives to figure out what their purposeful work is in the world. And for just one day, she offered this as a “pay what you can” opportunity. I was not going to miss out on that.

So the Manifesto course will be my work for March. And the Creative Doer course will be for April. I hope you return to visit and find out how these courses meet up with and surpass my expectations of self-discovery awesomeness.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. Sounds like a good plan, Shalagh! I need plans too, to make things happen – realistically. Best wishes on all your spring goals! Your courses sounds interesting.

    1. Thank you for your well wishes Dawn. The courses are going to require a dedication and some time that I realize I am not commanding of my life right now. But I am really excited.
      Love to you,

  2. Hi Shalagh – I seem to be anonymous again. I will try to fix my profile, it’s been so long (that’s me above) But it’s nice to catch up on your writing today! Dawn 🙂

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