Last week I had a dream that I was petrified I was taking my last breath. And then received news that someone I care about was starting chemo for lung cancer. I was distressed for the news and wondered about the timing of this dream. Did my unconscious know? I find I think about someone or something slightly obscure and then it pops up somehow. And again I am reminded of the power of the universe, the divine, and the mind.

Theirony of power on

I find an irony so compelling with us as human beings and our perception of our power. We truly can make miracles happen when we set our minds to it. And yet it’s what we decide will happen that is often our destinies. That we are infinitely more powerful than we ever give ourselves credit for is fascinating to me. And that in the constant need to control, we limit our possibilities exponentially.

Yet we also tend to think we have way more power than we truly do. We want to change everyone’s mind that we meet to sway them to our way of thinking instead of just being confident in what we believe and allowing them their beliefs too. We want to save people from themselves and swoop in to give them just the right “thing” they never realized they needed to know until we gave it to them. When all people really want to do is snuggle up with their misery and shut you out.

We have way more power than we give ourselves credit for and way less than we think we do. Here’s to figuring all of that out before we have no more time to enjoy our real powers or abilities. And hoping we allow ourselves an opportunity to just live and let live and watch the sun set and the moon rise.

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  1. I’ve been mulling this paradox over for a while….whilst continuing with my visualisation practices….(I used to be so much better at calling forth the help of the Universe; I think my power (in that respect) has been dented as I’ve lost so many parts of myself….). Loved your post (as I do all of them). Thanks for always writing about the big things in such an accessible way! Here’s to a great weekend, Helen xxx P.S. The photo of your daughter on her trike is too beautiful!!

    1. Helen, Well first I just noticed that you had a blog. Uh duh. Cool! And so now I can see what more we have in common. I am always glad to have people who truly get what I’m trying to say reading. Your parts are not lost, they’re just keeping safe until you tell them they’re safe. Doin’ my best, lettin’ go of the rest!
      Much love to you and yours lovely lady,

  2. A lovely reflection on our powers, the way more and way less than we think and know. I often dream like this too. Best wishes and light to your friend! xo

    1. I think those of us with lifelong anxieties get those bad dreams. Whether they truly have anything to so with a sixth sense, I don’t know but I do think that they’re pretty easy to interpret if you take the time. Thank you again for your support. Means the world to me Dawn.

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