My Remarkable Repertoire of Life Changing Anxiety Reducing Choices

My Remarkable Repertoire of Life Changing Anxiety Reducing Choices

As I am fast approaching another birthday, I want to stand and acknowledge how this year of being 57 and honoring myself has changed me. This year had me taking back my power with a sense of entitlement and ferociousness my younger self may recognize but has forgotten. I was busily building back the self-love…

Choose to Not Choose is Still a Choice
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Choose to Not Choose is Still a Choice

She rather vehemently insisted that there are no choices. Thank you very little, she understands the concept of “everything is a choice”, just not for her. She’s resigned to that comfortable hell of nothing changes because perhaps it is too overwhelming to consider those other choices. To allow for change would be to admit that…

Edit Your Story and Persist with Faith Like Cinderella
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Edit Your Story and Persist with Faith Like Cinderella

The story that is our life, up to a certain point, is written and told by others. We do not choose our parents or where we are born or the social status we are born into. Nor do we have control over who keeps us alive and what they teach us as littles. Our lives…

Perspective Saves You From Feeling Sucky and Unlucky
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Perspective Saves You From Feeling Sucky and Unlucky

During the first week of school, Eamon’s teacher told the class that Bullies don’t know, or care,  that you are very important to someone in your life. You are just not too important to the bully, who in turn wishes those people in his/her life who supposedly love him/her would act like it. It’s your…