Have I Never Told You I was a Writer?
We need to talk about our writing/creative efforts and lives more. Yew I’m a mom and also a writer because I write.
Pardon our mess! We’re moving hosting providers and making some updates to the site. Any broken images will be back soon.
Thanks for your patience!
We need to talk about our writing/creative efforts and lives more. Yew I’m a mom and also a writer because I write.
As a woman, there are many unspoken jobs that I perform. I manage our family life’s seasonal rhythms and set the stage, tone, and table for celebrations and vacations. I am the listener, teacher, and translator as each family member needs a differential learning approach. I need to understand how to communicate with each in…
This year marks the 13th year of the creation Shalavee.com and I have blogged consistently monthly throughout those years. See last week’s story about beginning the blog Here. Many who were blogging before me or alongside me, have moved on from their blogs. Perhaps to a Substack account or otherwise in their careers; bloggers are…
What does it take to create a new perspective? First it takes you being so sick of the story you’ve been telling that you will do almost anything to rewrite the one you’ve been living. The new year was approaching, and I needed a new story. I made few decisions ahead of time. One of…
Within the past couple weeks, it has come to my attention that I believe I am both not enough and too much simultaneously. The combination of my not enough and too muchness leaves me standing outside myself feeling homeless from my own soul. How ridiculous, I think, when I have so many blessings and so…
By the time we left for our vacation a week ago, I was all done. I had been couped up in the house without a car for an entire week. And the extreme heat outside had made me feel like I was inside the lockdown again. Not cool. I no longer wanted to cook or…
Found myself in the attic horrified at the quantity of my life’s leftovers there are crowding my Great Upstairs. Time to clear out my past and make room for my future.
I’ve been thinking about embodiment. This is the best word I can find to describe this deep need to reoccupy myself. I want to feel as if I know and understand myself truly, madly, deeply. I have this image of snapping myself into a chest plate that fits perfectly. Being inside myself and feeling that…
In my exercise class this morning, an older gentleman said that he has one remaining elderly Aunt who is 98 years old. Once she passes, he will be “the old people”. How odd to think of ourselves as the “Old People”.. A friend of my husband’s conveyed how hard it was to watch his once…
You know me. I’m that pretty girl who waited on you that one time in the cafe in Baltimore. I may have served you a drink at a bar downtown and had a kind and wise thing to say to you in your moment of loneliness. I’m that gal who waited on you in the…