Allowing For More Embers of Pride
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Allowing For More Embers of Pride

On December 22nd of this year, 2022, I had an essay published online. Titled The Major Aha Moment When I Stopped Fixating on Fixing Myself, you can read it HERE. I had submitted this to the Tiny Buddha blog back in September before the melee of Mom’s move and the Holiday gauntlet. Lori shot back…

International Women’s Day 2021 : Seeing Ourselves as Valuable
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International Women’s Day 2021 : Seeing Ourselves as Valuable

The theme for 2021’s International Women’s Day, which falls on Monday March 8th, is #ChoosetoChallenge .While the global pandemic over the past year has challenged all of us in ways we’d never have wished on anyone, it has also brought to light some woeful discrepancies in gender equality. I have issue with the dismissal and…

A Published Essay on Lessons in the Time of Lockdown
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A Published Essay on Lessons in the Time of Lockdown

Sometimes I need to gift myself opportunities to expand creatively. Whether it’s my 100 Day project or decorating a special event, I do well with having a deadline. And even though I’ve mostly kept myself accountable to writing three times a week for my blog ( a little understandable slacking during our lockdown), it’s been…

Oh Universe, What Would You Have Me Do?
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Oh Universe, What Would You Have Me Do?

We mistrust ourselves so much, we have to hand much of our decision-making over to another power. We create elaborate ways to make decisions. Drop a divining line down and see which way it swings to decide (dowsing pendulum). Pick your arm up and drop it to see if you should eat it (applied kinesiology)….

Self-Trust and The Need to Acknowledge Our Creativity

Self-Trust and The Need to Acknowledge Our Creativity

At some historical point, modern thought leaders needed to listen to and value their own creativity to formulate their theories outside their culturally acceptable boxes. They had to weave together their absolute truths and go beyond the conformity edicts from their schooling. Consequently, we had the Civil Rights movement, Jung’s counter theories to Freud’s, and…

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My Face Revisited : The Story of My Journey Onto Facebook

When I forget what I’ve been up and how much I appreciate my writing, I end up reading something and remembering. I felt very privileged to have written this piece entitled My Face for the here. In honor of its three-year anniversary, I’m republishing it on my blog. Enjoy the fun read. If you…