Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

I can remember being very impatient with the way the seasons would take their time to move on. It seemed like an infinity to wait before Spring would arrive. I feel very differently now at twice the age. I like how long Winter takes because I don’t have as much to be responsible for while…

The Close of April : Way Prettier Than It Started
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The Close of April : Way Prettier Than It Started

I was really forcing a smile when I wrote my first Spring post. Sometimes you put a smile on and hope to grow into it. I felt no love for the weather at the time. My faith was drained. But the earth, in the process of doing her ‘thing’, eventually she gets to you. April…

Over the Bridge
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Over the Bridge

Here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, when we say we’re going over the bridge, it usually means a 45 minute drive west over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge into Annapolis, MD and destinations beyond. A grand adventure since the big cities beyond, Baltimore or Wash DC, are way more exciting than out little rural town…