The weather has broken finally. Usually it’s hotter than heck around this time in August. I am not complaining.

In the Spring I was taking daily walks and I have been able to return to these. Like a moving prayer, I feel all sorts of hopes and connections bubble to the surface as I walk.

Puzzling Out My Realizations on

Today, I put my realizations together. I was truly at my best this Spring when I was walking and writing bis juicy essays. I felt great. And I didn’t have time to fuss about this weight gain that has happened to many of us. I realized that all that stuff will take care of itself if we do what we need to do to connect ourselves to the larger source of our happiness.

Doing what makes us happy and where we express our genuine selves is what we’re here to do. And yet it does take some concerted effort to show up, do the work, and make the happy machine work. I get caught in all or nothing places. In what ifs, disaster scripts, and not enoughs.

But at the right times, I see what could be for me. How I am already the person I need to be, I just need to put the work into showing the rest of the world what I can do.

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