Sacrificial Squirrel

Sacrificial Squirrel

Gruesome sights, they’re everywhere. Wild and dead animals, vehicular crime scenes aplenty. Eyeballs popping out or just cold blackened stares. Bloody swaths on the street. Must be Fall. Beware the frenzied Kamikaze squirrels, ironically with only the business of survival on their minds. Beware the hunted doe running from bucks and bullets. Overpopulation is their…

Oh Universe, What Would You Have Me Do?
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Oh Universe, What Would You Have Me Do?

We mistrust ourselves so much, we have to hand much of our decision-making over to another power. We create elaborate ways to make decisions. Drop a divining line down and see which way it swings to decide (dowsing pendulum). Pick your arm up and drop it to see if you should eat it (applied kinesiology)….

I Wish I Had Time To Care, But I Don’t , So I Won’t

I Wish I Had Time To Care, But I Don’t , So I Won’t

It seems enough that I just chose to shop at this particular establishment. I chose that over all other places offering the same merchandise to spend my money. Sometimes the proprietor or establishment acknowledges this fact and I like when they do that. Outside my voting power, I equally value my buying power. So why…